When Nikah Becomes Expensive, Zina Becomes Cheap: The Need for Simplicity and Affordability in Marriage
In recent years, a disconcerting trend has emerged within our societies—a trend where the cost of getting married, particularly through the Nikah (Islamic marriage) process, has skyrocketed. This surge in expenses associated with marriage ceremonies has created significant financial burdens, rendering a proper Nikah ceremony unattainable for many individuals and couples. As a consequence, alternative and often illegitimate relationships, such as Zina (adultery or fornication), have become more prevalent. In this feature, we aim to shed light on the importance of keeping Nikah simple and affordable, not only for the well-being of individuals and families but also for the overall social fabric of our communities.
The Rising Cost of Nikah:
Marriage holds a sacred place in Islamic teachings, emphasizing commitment, love, and the formation of a stable family unit. However, societal pressures, extravagant cultural practices, and inflated expectations have transformed the once-simplistic Nikah process into an expensive affair. The cost of wedding venues, elaborate ceremonies, dowries, bridal trousseaus, and other associated expenses have reached exorbitant levels, making it financially unattainable for many individuals, particularly those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
The Consequences of Expensive Nikah:
1. Rise in Illegitimate Relationships: When the process of Nikah becomes prohibitively expensive, individuals may resort to engaging in Zina, seeking companionship and intimacy outside of marriage. This not only goes against the principles of Islam but also leads to emotional and psychological distress for those involved, and the erosion of family values. Illicit relationships lack the commitment, stability, and protection that Nikah provides, and they often result in broken families and shattered lives.
2. Financial Burden and Debt: Many individuals and families are forced to take on significant financial burdens and debts to meet the societal expectations associated with a lavish wedding. The pressure to conform to extravagant standards can lead to financial strain and hardship. Such financial burdens can have long-term consequences, affecting their financial stability and hindering their ability to establish a strong foundation for their married life.
3. Inequality and Social Exclusion: Expensive Nikah practices contribute to social inequalities, as those who cannot afford or choose not to have expensive weddings may face exclusion and judgment from their communities. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, marginalization, and diminish their sense of belonging and worth. Economic disparities should not dictate the ability to enter into a sacred marriage bond.
Keeping Nikah Simple and Affordable:
1. Education and Awareness: Promoting awareness about the true essence of Nikah and its simplicity within Islamic teachings is paramount. Religious leaders, scholars, and community influencers can play a crucial role in educating communities and dispelling misconceptions. Emphasizing the values of commitment, love, respect, and the spiritual significance of Nikah can help individuals understand that a grandiose wedding does not define the success of a marriage.
2. Community Support: Establishing support networks and community initiatives that advocate for affordable Nikah can alleviate the financial burden on individuals and couples. Mosques, community centers, and organizations can provide access to affordable venues, counseling services, and financial assistance for those in need. Creating a culture of support and understanding will help couples focus on the true essence of Nikah, rather than the societal pressures of extravagant weddings. By fostering a sense of community, individuals can find the necessary resources and emotional support to simplify their Nikah process.
3. Encouraging Minimalism: Embracing the concept of minimalism can help shift societal attitudes towards simpler and more affordable weddings. Reevaluating cultural practices that contribute to excessive spending and focusing on the core values of Nikah can help individuals prioritize the spiritual and emotional aspects of the marriage over materialistic expectations. Emphasizing the importance of love, commitment, and family unity can help couples reframe their perspective on what truly matters in a marriage, steering them away from the pressure to conform to costly wedding trends.
4. Legal and Policy Reforms: Governments and religious authorities should collaborate to develop policies and regulations that promote the affordability and accessibility of Nikah. This can include measures to regulate dowries, wedding expenses, and legal procedures, ensuring that they are within reach for all individuals. By implementing laws and guidelines that discourage excessive spending and encourage simplicity, governments and religious institutions can contribute to reducing the financial burden associated with Nikah.
As the cost of getting married continues to rise, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of keeping Nikah simple and affordable. By doing so, we can safeguard the institution of marriage and foster healthier relationships, while reducing the inclination towards illicit affairs. Through education, community support, and policy reforms, we can work towards creating an environment where individuals are empowered to prioritize the true values of Nikah—love, commitment, and spiritual connection—over materialistic expectations. By simplifying the process and making it accessible to everyone, we can strengthen families, promote social cohesion, and uphold the sanctity of marriage.
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