Customer’s Satisfaction Gives Me Fulfillment – Fateemah Adamu Suleiman
Fateemah Adamu Suleiman is a graduate of Biological Sceince from University of Abuja and CEO, Saaf Stitches based in Abuja.
TMG> How long did you nurse the dream of becoming a Fashion Entrepreneur?
Fateemah> For about 10 years now but finally ventured into it in 2013 .
TMG> What is your area of interest: designing or tailoring?
Fateemah> Both. Actually, they go hand in hand.
TMG> Did you attend a professional school to learn the skills and what credentials did you earn through the program?
Fateemah> Yes, I did and I was confirmed as a certified 'fashionista' which is what I prefer to be called.
TMG> Are you encouraging and creating job opportunities for other youths?
Fateemah> I hope to start very soon when I'm done serving my country through the national youth service in shaa Allah.
TMG> Tell us how you get your materials and how you create designs that your customers would like?
Fateemah> The clients usually bring their fabrics and I get accessories from Garki, Wuse and Gwagwalada markets. I do my best to meet my client's satisfaction, which is what matters most to me.
TMG> Have you handled a fashion show before? What was the experience like and people's acceptance of your products?
Fateemah> Not yet but it's a dream I will achieve soon hopefully.
TMG>What inspires your designs?
Fateemah> The material and the clients inspire my designs.
TMG> How fast do your products move from production to the end user?
Fateemah> At most, two weeks; it also depends on the customer's request.
TMG> In case of problems, how do you manage? Do you seek for help from another professional?
Fateemah> Yes I do, because two heads are better than one.
TMG> What do you do to stay educated about new trends?
Fateemah> I am basically on all social media platforms and one should always keep abreast of what's in vogue in order to keep clients updated.
TMG> What challenges do you encounter and how do you handle them?
Fateemah> My present challenges are in the form of incomplete payments after the client's outfits have been delivered.
TMG> Give us an example of someone you have trained or mentored. Where did they start and where are they now?
Fateemah> None yet but hopefully soon.
TMG> Tell us about your management style and how you handle your customers?
Fateemah> As the saying goes, "the customer is always right," as a seamstress, a lot of patience is required.
TMG> Tell us 3 things that you consider to be your strengths in this business?
Fateemah> Allah, my family and the ability to keep to the agreed date of delivery to customers.
TMG> How do you manage risks in terms of damages or losses?
Fateemah> I have to refund when necessary because I have to keep my clients happy all the time.
TMG> How can you encourage others to be self-dependent?
Fateemah> For every lady out there: nothing is more pleasant and heart-warming than the ability to be your own boss.
TMG> Do you socialise and when?
Fateemah> I socialise only with close family members and friends, most times at weddings. Other than that, my life is strictly all about my sewing.
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