I Believe Everybody Has A Gift from God--Muhammed .N. Ibrahim
Muhammed.N.Ibrahim is an Undergraduate studying Industrial Design at the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University. He speaks to TMG about his work as an Online media PR and CEO of Arewa PicAward, which mostly promotes Arewa Culture.
TMG>What is it like being a media and events manager and did you train to be a Media influencer?
Muhammed> I am into media and events management because I have passion for it.
Although I didn't attend a formal training, I have attended different seminars on media and entrepreneur programs. I was trained as a media influencer by attending seminars and reading online scripts about media.
TMG> How many employees report to you?
Muhammed> I have 3 employees for now.
TMG> Tell us about an accomplishment that you are most proud of in your career.
Muhammed> I am proud of an event I promoted alone and the turn out was very impressive. I was so happy about that achievement.
TMG> Tell us about your management style and how you handle your Customers and readers?
Muhammed> My style is very simple. I manage my work by myself but seek advice from top influencers. I handle my customers and readers cheerfully- I believe they keep my brand going so I consider them my motivation.
TMG> How do you market programs or events and also the writings?
Muhammed> By using Pre-event methods, that is, social media announcements, Blog posts and I use day to day methods like regular email and paid promotion.
TMG> Why should people follow your media platforms? What’s unique about it?
Muhammed> I believe my media platform is one of Arewa's up and rising media firms and if you intend to stay updated, I would recommend my platform. The uniqueness about my brand is diversity; I never stick to one option and have different ideas to keep my audience proud and happy.
TMG> How do you help people in advertising? What advice, guidance and counsel do you bring?
Muhammed> By plotting different ideas to promote their products, regular posting, social media announcements, press releases etc.
While advising my clients, I promise them good results by the end of my campaign. I also guide them with the type of their brand.
TMG> Did you ever make a change that you were sorry about later?
Muhammed> Yes when I was about to launch the online E-award, I made my audience stick to a particular date which was changed later and, till date, it is still pending due to improper preparation for the task.
TMG> What are the three 3 core ideas of your profession?
Muhammed> Truth and Accuracy, Independence, Accountability
TMG> What will readers learn from you as a social media influencer?
Muhammed> They learn to be present, learn how to peruse social channels on a regular basis.
TMG> Who is your audience and what response do you get from them?
Muhammed> My audience is made up of my followers and customers. In life, you get different responses and reactions- good and bad- but I mostly get good responses.
TMG> How do you get attention towards your work?
Muhammed> By staying focused and active towards it.
TMG> Tell us something you would like to learn or improve upon.
Muhammed> I'd like to improve in so many media strategies and advance in blogging.
TMG> What are your challenges and how do you intend to handle them?
Muhammed> (1) keeping track of all daily activities
(2)getting a good network router and praying for a stable network
TMG> What do you do to stay educated about new trends?
Muhammed> I explore and research
TMG> How do you take ownership of your position e.g (look for guest interaction, financials, organization, quality of company)
Muhammed> I watch and observe and seek for proposals from any organization for the benefit of both firms.
TMG> What other back-of-the positions have you previously held before you became a publisher and social media influencer?
Muhammed> I used to be a Music analyst, (Artistes PRO)
TMG> What way can you encourage or advise youths?
Muhammed> I'd like to advise youths to explore and research and make use of their innovativeness to attain their goals. I believe everybody has a gift from GOD, so identify your gift and work on it.
TMG> What do you do in your free time?
Muhammed> I love playing TV games, most especially FIFA football games and my Nickname name is FIFA LORD.
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