The Power of Primary Health Care: Transforming Global Health


~~ Dr Wey George Danlami Consultant-Family Physician 

With over 1 billion people worldwide at risk of falling into poverty due to high out-of-pocket health spending, the importance of scaling up primary health care (PHC) interventions across low and middle-income countries cannot be overstated. Not only could this save 60 million lives and increase average life expectancy by 3.7 years by 2030, but it could also deliver 90% of essential interventions for universal health coverage.

The majority of the projected health gains from the Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved through PHC, highlighting the need for additional investment of around US$ 200 to US$ 328 billion annually for a more comprehensive package of health services. To truly achieve universal health coverage, a shift is needed towards health systems designed for people, with people, and with a focus on equity and social participation.

Rooted in social justice, equity, solidarity, and participation, PHC addresses the broader determinants of health and provides comprehensive care throughout the lifespan. By providing whole-person care that ranges from promotion and prevention to treatment and palliative care, PHC is the most inclusive, cost-effective, and efficient approach to enhancing physical, mental, and social well-being.

As the 'programmatic engine' for universal healtht coverage, health-related Sustainable Development Goals, and health security, PHC is critical for accelerating progress towards these ambitious but achievable goals. By investing in PHC, countries can improve equity, access, accountability, and overall health outcomes while making health systems more resilient to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

With a commitment to reorient health systems towards PHC, the World Health Organization is working to strengthen governance, financing, workforce, quality, and more to ensure that health systems are fit for people, context, and purpose. By providing support for PHC implementation, producing evidence and innovation, and promoting policy leadership through strategic partnerships, WHO is leading the charge in renewing and revitalizing PHC on a global scale.

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